Ancient Greek Course
- Category: Course
- Published Date
- Written by Lorna Robinson
These courses have been developed by Dr Lorna Robinson.
The Democracy game and theatre activity were created by Graham Kirby.
We are currently piloting an introduction to ancient Greek language and culture on the school literacy curriculum for year sixes in east Oxford primary schools. Below you can find the lesson plans we are using, along with the accompanying resources. The sessions are designed to last approximately one hour, and are aimed at large, mixed ability classes.
The lessons are designed to bring out the connections between Greek and English, to introduce the children to an exciting new alphabet, and to demonstrate the many rich and fundamental connections between ancient Greece and the modern world. Please feel welcome to use these in your lessons, and any feedback or questions are very welcome!
Lesson one - introducing Greek alphabet and gods activity
- Category: Course
- Published Date
- Written by Lorna Robinson
Lesson one
Part one: ancient Greek language - introducing ancient Greek alphabet (30 mins)
Show powerpoint presentation. It starts with four slides initially, of an omega, the Olympics logo, a voting box, and English dictionaries. Ask the children to identify the images at their tables in groups and guess what connects them. (10 minutes)
with answers taken, move onto 'Ancient Greek' slide, and discuss the bullet points in a bit more detail. (5 mins)
go to slide with Greek alphabet and go through with the children (distribute a handout of the Greek alphabet to everyone in the class) (5 mins)
Read more: Lesson one - introducing Greek alphabet and gods activity
Lesson two - Greek words and their English counterparts, and artefacts activity
- Category: Course
- Published Date
- Written by Lorna Robinson
Ancient Greek lesson two
Part one (in classrooms): Ancient Greek language - introducing new words and simple sentences (15 mins)
Powerpoint presentation introducing a variety of ancient Greek words (mythos, barbaros, polis, idiotes) which the children can transliterate
Guess meaning of the words, discuss the story behind each one and discuss how they connect with English (we used the idea of family resemblances but there are others!)
Read more: Lesson two - Greek words and their English counterparts, and artefacts activity
Lesson three - Greek sentences and democracy activity
- Category: Course
- Published Date
- Written by Lorna Robinson
Ancient Greek lesson three
Part one: ancient Greek language - new words, breathings, definite article, masculine / feminine endings (30 mins)
recap words met last week (mythos, barbaros, idiotes)
Using powerpoint presentation, introduce new words, go through transliterations and meanings, and also with each one asking the class what English words we get from them (10 mins)
Discuss ho and he, explaining how the definite article is used in ancient Greek and the masculine and feminine distinction (5 mins)
Read more: Lesson three - Greek sentences and democracy activity
Lesson four - new words and ancient theatre activity
- Category: Course
- Published Date
- Written by Lorna Robinson
Ancient Greek lesson four
Part one: ancient Greek language and introduction to ancient theatre (20 mins)
Recap words from last lesson, and definite article and breathings (5 mins)
Using powerpoint presentation, introduce the ancient Greek words for aspects of theatre, pointing out modern words which are derived from these. Also use the images to introduce and discuss the basic aspects of theatre in ancient Athens. (15 mins)
Read more: Lesson four - new words and ancient theatre activity
Lesson five - verbs and Homer poetry activity
- Category: Course
- Published Date
- Written by Lorna Robinson
Ancient Greek lesson five
Part one: Homer and oral poetry (15 minutes)
Use the powerpoint presentation to introduce Homer, his work, and oral poetry
Use the comparison of fairy tales 'once upon a time', and any other comparisons to communicate the idea of oral composition and stock phrases
Lesson six - verbs practice and philosophy activity
- Category: Course
- Published Date
- Written by Lorna Robinson
Ancient Greek lesson six:
Ancient philosophy and verb endings practice
Part one: philosophy
Ask the class "what is beauty" and encourage answers and discussion
Ask the class "what is fairness" and discuss
Using powerpoint presentation, introduce Socrates and his methods
Read more: Lesson six - verbs practice and philosophy activity